Here is the changelog of the current eF-Mod version:
You want to see the changelog of the eF-Mod Releaser Edition? Please click here!
Hier der Changelog der aktuellen eF-Mod Version:
Du möchtest den Changelog der Releaser Edition sehen? Dann klick hier!
- eMule 46a eF-Mod 2.01
- Feature | eMulefan83 | LSD | Increase Release Priority (For Releaser)
- Remove | J.C.Conner | | Removed leecher ban & leecher no uplaod measures from leecher protection
- Change | J.C.Conner | | Change spooky connect to work only if Kad connection established
- Change | eMulefan83 | | Show ForceDownload Settings only in Transferwindow Context Menu if "Show more controls (advanced mode controls)"is enabled
- Change | eMulefan83 | | Deactivated Show Additional Toolbar on Transfer Window Settings in Preferences
- Fix | eMulefan83 | | Show SivkaHardlimit Settings in Context Menu of the Transferwindow if "Show more controls (advanced mode controls)" is enabled
- Fix | eMulefan83 | | Show Sourcehandling(Drop) Settings in Context Menu of the Transferwindow if "Show more controls (advanced mode controls)" is enabled
- eMule 46a eF-Mod 2.0
- Only some small changes
- eMule 46a eF-Mod 2.0 RC2
- Feature | eMulefan83 | | Only Download Complete Files
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Mighty Knife | Added Simple-Cleanup in shared files window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Mighty Knife | Added Mass-Rename in shared files window
- Feature | eMulefan83 | | Added optional settings for ConChecker to prevent Problems with firewalls
- Feature | eMulefan83 | TBH | AutoBackup of eMule Files
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Slugfiller | Added cache UDP search results
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Slugfiller | Added search catch
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added temporary IP-Filter (6h)
- Change | J.C.Conner | | Changed Up-/ Download icons in statusbar
- Change | J.C.Conner | | Now only the temp IP-Filter is used for detected leechers (6h)
- Change | eMulefan83 | | Creditsystem is actvated by default
- Remove | eMulefan83 | | removed the SUQWT Cde from Moonlight
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed language bug
- Fix | eMulefan83 | XMan | Bugfix for redownloading already downloaded file
- eMule 46a eF-Mod 2.0 RC1
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | New SysInfo statusbar panel
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | New tooltips in statusbar
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | High resulution speedmeter on toolbar
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | New skinable toolbar (Still in development)
- Added | eMulefan83 | | Some new Links in "Tools" | // eF-Mod :: New Toollinks
- Change | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Corrected statusbar sizeing, so information is displayed corectly
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed multiple instances bug
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed connection state icon bug
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed quickstart for Kad connection
- Fix | eMulefan83 | | Fixed show UL/DL Speed in tray
- Fix | eMulefan83 | | Fixed show correct eDonkey & LPhant Version [Spike]
- eMule 46a eF-Mod 2.0b2
- Feature | eMulefan83 | | Show eF-Mod Icon On Client Detect
- Feature | J.C.Conner | IceCream | Copy feedback feature
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | SlotFocus
- Feature | eMulefan83 | tommy_gun? | Auto Download Prio
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eWombat | Spooky mode
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eWombat | Connection checker (Always on)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eWombat | Added Winsock 2.2 support
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added Mod String to client detail window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Added Country Info to client detail window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Failed download ban / filter
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Show detailed client averages in client detail window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Show successfull(failed) download seasons in downloadlist (behind the status)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Extended cient up-/ download averages
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Slugfiller | Met Credits
Change | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Compl. rewritten AutoHide download columns on expand (*7)
- Fix | J.C.Conenr | J.C.Conner | Fixed bug with PPgTabControl in preferences dialogs
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed bug with cat colors in downloadlist
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed bug in Auto Download Prio
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed bug in Nice Hash preferences
- Fix | J.C.Conner | | Fixed Auto Updates on startup
- eMule 46a eF-Mod 2.0b1
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added Leecher Log to server window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added Mod Log to server window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | New full collored logs
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Xman | Reask sources after IP change v2
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Tritant ? | QuickStart after ip change
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Tritant | QuickStart | // eF-Mod :: QuickStart
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Slugfiller | No needed requeue (*6)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | enkeyDev | ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) (*5)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | netfinity | AntiHideOs | // eF-Mod :: AntiHideOs
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Maella / XRMB | Optional and per file "Defeat 0-filled part senders"
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Maella | Closed Backdoor V2
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Obelix | Optional active connection control
- Feature | J.C.Conner | dazzle | Faster Endgame
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Detection of ending upload seassons
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Xman | Full block system (*4)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Slugf./Maella | Spread Re-Ask
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Maella | Unnecessary Protocol Overload
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Maella | Extended clean-up II
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+ | New tooltips in transfer window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | New transfer window with RollUpCtrl
- Feature | eMuleFan83 | | Preferences Banner
- Feature | eMuleFan83 | | Nice Hash
- Feature | eMuleFan83 | Tarod | Reconnect on LowID
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+ | New tooltips in server window
- Feature | eMuleFan83 | Dazzle | Create a map for fastest source adding by IP [Dazzle]
- Feature | eMuleFan83 | enkeyDev | SLS - Save/Load Sources
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+ | New statistic grids
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Optional Funny Nicks
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Sivka | Ban agressive clients
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Flood ask protection for MLDonkeys
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Dont answer any requests of banned clients
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Added Ban & BadGuy info to client detail window
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Sivka | Added some client times info to client detail window
- Feature | eMuleFan83 | | Invisible Mode
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Slot control
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Sivka | Auto HardLimit
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Sivka | 3h reask protection for dropped sources |
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Sivka | Drop NNS,FQS,HQS,CleanUp auto & manual and per file
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added Anti Virus support |
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added some "Leecher" infos to statistics
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Added new tabbed preferences dialogs
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added option to filter all eDonkey Hybrid, MLdonkey and Shareaza clients
- Feature | J.C.Conner | J.C.Conner | Added new LeecherProtection class (*3)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added diff. credit sys.(LOVELACE,PEACE,SIVKA,RT,SWAT,PAWCIO,EASTSHARE,Xman) |
- Feature | J.C.Conner | VQB | See own credits
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Maella | Crash reporter
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+ | On the fly CPU optimizer
- Feature | J.C.Conner | xrmb | Confirmed download (*2)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Optional chunk dots in downloadlist progress bar
- Feature | J.C.Conner | xrmb | See the need |
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Option to start eMule in high process priority
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Option to allow multiple instances
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Option to close eMule to system tray
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Highlighted detected fakes in downloadlist (red backcolor)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | UploadPrio icon in downloadlist is now clickable to change the upload prio
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added upload priority icon in downloadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added upload priority" icon in uploadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added AVGQR column in downloadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | Added queue filter
- Feature | J.C.Conner | Slugfiller | Show comments (*1)
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | New clickable file icons in Downloadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Total Up-/Download in downloadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Anti fake rank
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Diff QR in download / Sourcelist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Auto hide unneeded DL.Columns on expand
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | AutoUpdates for IPFilter,Fake & Country
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added fake check in downloadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added fake check in search results
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added fake check
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | IP2Country in all lists
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added Banned column to known client list
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Added SUI column to known client list
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Total Up-/Download in queuelist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Different text color in download list
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Download status in queuelist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Client software in queuelist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Total Up-/Download in uploadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | | Download status in uploadlist
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | Added sorting PPg to Prefs. |
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | New sorting in all lists
- Feature | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | Option to show stopped and paused files always at last
- Change | J.C.Conner | Sirob | Fixed autoupdate for IP2Country
- Change | J.C.Conner | netfinity | Corrected stats for AICH recovery | // eF-Mod :: CorrectStatsForAich
- Change | eMuleFan83 | | Changed some Icons |
- Change | J.C.Conner | | Removed offocial per file hardlimit | // eF-Mod :: RemovedOfficialPerFileHardlimit
- Change | J.C.Conner | Sirob | Don't send extended tags to client that don't support it to reduce overhead | // eF-Mod :: ExtendedProtokolCheck
- Change | J.C.Conner | Hoax64 | Show download percentage in bold | // eF-Mod :: BoldPercentage
- Change | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | Faster list header localizations | // eF-Mod :: FasterListHeader
- Change | J.C.Conner | eMule+/Conner | New resource string handling | // eF-Mod :: NewResourceStringHandling
- Tweaks | J.C.Conner | Sirob | Dont draw hidden rect